Party planning is amazing and all that, but there can be times when things can go wrong and that’s the result of insufficient planning. This is why proper planning and hiring reliable party tent rentals is important. Here are some things that can go south at a party and can ruin the whole vibe.

Not Planning From The Get-Go

This is probably every planner’s nightmare, but you can’t decide, plan, and throw a party within a day. That is just not possible. If you think that you’re the multitasking pro, then now is not the time to test your abilities, because you will probably fail.

Planning a party is all about getting everything done on time and if you’re not being serious and meticulous about planning, then it will turn into a disaster and you don’t want that. Yes, sometimes it can be hard to plan for a party for months, but you only need a solid 2 to 3 weeks to get everything down and ready to go for a party.

Whether it’s a birthday party or a get-together with your friends, you need to ensure that you’re putting in the time to plan everything, because that’s going to make everything so much better and it will make your party stand out from the rest of the crowd.

Not Paying Attention To The Details

Now, parties don’t need to be perfect and that’s a fact, but you also don’t want it to look haphazard. You want to spare some attention to detail and make things look amazing because a party is mostly about the organization and the visual appeal.

If your party is tacky and there’s no attention to the décor or the layout, then it won’t be as fun for anyone to attend. So, if you want your party to be amazing, then you need to think outside the box and make it look visually appealing because that’s where it’s at.

Not Having Enough Food

This is a party nightmare and it’s one of the major things that can go wrong in any party. A miscalculation in how much food you need for the party is a dreadful thing to occur.

You need to be on top of your menu game, if you don’t want something like this to happen, because it is embarrassing nonetheless and you don’t want the guests to go on an empty stomach, just because you don’t have enough food to feed everyone. So, always double and triple-check the menu and the amount of food before the party.

Going Over Budget

Having a budget for a party is important. It gives you a reference or guide as to how much money you can spend. Without a budget, even though you can still plan a party, it’s not going to be a success, because you don’t have anything to base your expenses on, and you won’t know when to stop.

This can lead to a disaster and your wallet won’t appreciate it. Sticking to a budget isn’t being cheap, it’s about being responsible and if you don’t want to go broke by the end of the party, then you need to have a budget.

Not Having Variety In The Menu

While sometimes this can be enough if you’re throwing a party with lots of people, then you need to have a couple of options for the party. This doesn’t mean that you need at least 10 different food and drink options. That’s too much and completely unnecessary.

However, you still want there to be some sort of variety, like choosing from an array of 3 or 4 dishes. This is going to give the guests a couple of options to work with and they can pick and choose whatever they want to eat and drink. Simple as that.

Not Being Polite

Even though in house parties, everyone can help, you still don’t want to force people to help you in the kitchen. You don’t want to act high-handed and push people to help you. You also want to spend time with the guests, because that’s the number one rule of hosting a good party and that’s showing up for the guests.

If you’re not doing that, then you can’t expect people to enjoy the party and that can ruin the whole vibe of the event. So, whatever you do, be polite with the guests and engage in conversations with them, because they took time out of their busy day to attend your party and this is the least that you can do for them.

Not Having Seating

Another thing that screams “ruin” is not having enough seats in the party. This is bad because you want the guests to be comfortable and if there aren’t any seats, then where will people sit?

This is why you need to ensure that you’re hosting a party somewhere with lots of room so that people can actually sit and walk around comfortably. So, you should choose the right venue and tent rentals Damascus MD.

Not Inviting Everyone

You can have intimate parties without hurting anyone’s feelings. We’ve all been there – we try to host a party, but there are too many people, so the best thing to do in that case is to downsize the guest list. However, downsizing and filtering the guest list is an art in itself and you need to know who to invite and who to not.

You need to invite close friends and family to the party, because if you don’t then that’s just rude. The guests that you can skip are people who are distant, not in town, or people that you don’t talk a lot to.

Trying To Do Everything On Your Own

While you don’t want to force anyone to help you with the preparations, it’s also not smart to do everything on your own either. It will just burn you out and you won’t be able to enjoy the party to the fullest.

This is why it’s a good idea to gather a couple of hands before the party and have people help you put everything together. It’s going to ensure that everything is done on time and you won’t exhaust yourself. Also, working with your friends, and setting up the party is a great way to pass the time.

Forgetting The Essentials

You can’t forget about certain essentials. There are a lot of things for a party and sometimes, they can slip through the cracks. However, if you don’t want your party to turn into a disaster, then you need to ensure that everything is ready to go.

Get things like ice, utensils, décor, and other relevant stuff before the party and if you’re someone who forgets things a lot last-minute, then try to make a list of things that are left, and then you can tick things off as you go.


Now that you know what can go wrong in a party, you can make these things a priority, so that they don’t rear their heads and ruin a good time. Connect with vendors and party rentals Northern VA to book stuff you need so it’s available for you on the party day.